Students and staff members have worked throughout the year on individual, class, and school-wide goals. State-mandated testing gives everyone the opportunity to assess our efforts and show some of what students have learned. Kindergarten through second grade had until May 5 to complete iReady reading and math tests for the third and final diagnostic for the year while grades 3-6 took the ACT Aspire April 25-28. Rather than have a field day the last full week of school, the elementary opted to celebrate everyone's hard work each afternoon of the Aspire testing week with guest presenters and activities, including snowcones from Beth Lanius on Friday.
Thank you to Mickey Bivens with Arkansas Game and Fish for teaching about reptiles and what makes them different; the Corp of Engineers and SRO Shankles for addressing water safety, stranger danger, and cell phone safety; Michael Stokes, DHS senior Chloe Manasco, Mr. Alex Clark and the DHS bands for providing a mini concert and information about musical instruments; and Cheryl Byrd, community health nurse specialist, for educating about the dangers of vaping. We also want to thank our sixth grade students for demonstrating their leadership skills during the activities.